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  • vptputtur@yahoo.co.in

Automobile Engineering

The history of Automobile actually began about 4000 years ago when the first wheel was used for transportation in India. With the entrance of 21 century the motor car developments have been upgraded in such a way that all kinds of amenities of office as well as luxury of home are being installed into motor car.

Automobile industry is one of the most important industries. In India, though presently in the in fancy stage, it is bound to become one of the major industries, in the immediate future. More and more technocrats are required in the field to cater the future requirements.

The course includes the study, design servicing all types of modern Automobile and also their servicing. Automobile Engineering labs are equipped with latest machinery including wheel aligner, wheel balancer and well equipped service station.

The department has following labs

  • Engines testing servicing lab.
  • Auto repairs and maintenance lab.
  • Vehicle repair and servicing lab.
  • Auto work shop.
  • Welding sheet metal workshop.


Faculty – Automobile Engineering


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